Every last Friday of the month there is dinner together at the Noorddam Center at Bovenkerk. From the first day of the new month registration starts and then it goes by storm. For €10 you can participate in a freshly cooked three-course meal. Each time it is a surprise what the pot is serving and it depends on the seasons.


A team of enthusiastic volunteers organize the dinner. The food is cooked by a cook, the bar is open for tasty drinks, the food is served hot by the wait staff and, of course, dishes are washed.

Sign up

Contact Gerard Miltenburg, phone (06) 511 34 154 or e-mail bpbovenkerk@gmail.com. From the 1st day of the new month.

Location and times

At the Noorddam Center, Noorddammerweg 1, Amstelveen
Walk-in from 17:30, start dinner 18:00.
Payment will take place after dinner from 20:00.