
Social activities have a long history in Bovenkerk . On June 23, 1961, the Roman Catholic parish Bovenkerk transferred the "patronage building" to the municipality, along with other building sites (and St. Joseph and Maria schools) in "the interest of public housing. The building remained in use by the parish for a rent of Fl. 1.00 per year. On May 21, 1979, the Bovenkerk Association Building Foundation was established to operate the association building, as it was then called. That act was a continuation of a long-standing group that operated the building.

Source: image database Municipality of Amstelveen. Postcard from 1909. Noorddammerlaan St. Aloysiusschool, later Patronage building, then Noorddamcentrum. In 1905 the school was still the Public or Municipal Primary School Bovenkerk.

In 1982 the Noorddam Center burned down, and in 1984 the municipality had the present Noorddam Center built and still leased for ƒ 1.00 per year to the Foundation Association Building Bovenkerk. On October 6, 1983, that foundation changed its name to the Noorddam Center Foundation. In the late 1990s, that became a market-based rent of Dfl. 8,300.00 per year due to competition for the local hospitality industry, along with a municipal subsidy. On September 2, 2015, the statutory name of the foundation was changed to Foundation Bovenkerk.

Source: image database Municipality of Amstelveen. Photo from 1978. Noorddam center on the corner of Noorddammerlaan and Noorddammerweg. In the foreground the Noorddammerweg. Burned down on 31-01-1982. On the right the St. Urbanus and a city bus of Central Netherlands.

The Residents' Platform Bovenkerk was founded on November 29, 1993, on the initiative of the Opbouwwerk Amstelveen Foundation as part of the municipality's neighborhood management. The Executive Committee consisted of Piet Heemskerk (chairman), Johan van Rijt (secretary), Ria Tates (treasurer), Rie Gevers and Andries Jager (plv. chairman). Part of neighborhood management in those days was a neighborhood janitor. The latter was Ron den Held, who was active until the beginning of this century.

Neighborhood management also included a neighborhood newspaper initiated by the foundation Opbouwwerk Amstelveen in 1994. That foundation continued to publish it through 2013, after which the Residents' Platform Bovenkerk took charge of compiling and publishing the Nota Bene Bovenkerk .

North Dam Center renovation 2021/2022

Impression of the renovated Noorddam Center by architect Arjen Hoogeveen.

The renovation of the North Dam Center was made possible in part by:

Municipality of Amstelveen as owner of the building : investment of just under 2 million euros for the entire renovation.

Prince Bernhard Culture Fund: a contribution of 5,000 euros for the new installation of theater lighting and sound. 

VSB foundation: contribution of 15,000 euros for new furniture in the NDC.

Orange fund: contribution of 30,000 euros for the costs to enlarge our large hall, such as the new stage curtains , extra storage space for the associations.