We managed, after some time of absence, to find a bridge instructor again, even 2, Mr. Sam Spaargaren and Mr. Romano de Bock.
Starting Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. we will start a beginner's course and it will include 13 lessons.
The cost for this course is € 135, including 2 textbooks. The first two lessons are trial lessons, to try. If it is not for you then you can stop.
Classes are held at the Noorddam Center, Noorddammerweg 1, Amstelveen/Bovenkerk.
We also play bridge on Monday evenings and Thursday afternoons, for this you can sign up on our bridge phone 06-33973590.
For information about bridge lessons, www.bridgesoosnoorddamcentrum.nl or email bridgesoosndc@gmail.com
Or you can also call: Gerard Nelis 06-15368135 or Herman Harte 06-51844450